Friday, January 06, 2017

Assessment Tracking

I have completed my addition to my Grade 2 assessment/tracking grids, and have posted them in my tpt store.  This package includes all subjects from the Ontario, Canada, Curriculum (except French).  There are 2 formats included.  The first method of tracking is for each student to have his/her own data pages.  These are handy for parent conferences, SRT meetings, and doing report cards.  The second method is on ledger paper and has 10 students per page.  This is handy for a doing quick assessments and see a quick visual of how students are doing overall and compared to one another.  This is good feedback for yourself (ie. If everyone is underachieving, how can I change my teaching method; If everyone is doing exceptional [pat self on back], how can I challenge them more; if a couple of students are much lower than the others, how can I support their learning).  Here are some sample pages:
You can buy the whole package HERE.

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